Upcycling organic waste products into protein-rich food ingredients

We are developing a scalable bioreactor system for solid state fermentation (SSF). This fermentation platform technology aims to increase circularity within the food and agricultural sector by upcycling organic waste products.

SSF is an old technology mainly manually handled. Our technology is based on automatically controlled, AI-based technology, that advance the use of SSF with better utilization of existing resources. This will result in price-competitive sustainably produced compounds for the industry and society.

About us

Myco4Food is a spin-out company from Aalborg University, founded in 2022 with the aim of bringing our solid-state fermentation technology to market.

Our vision is to provide cost-effective fermentation technology for the upcycling of solid waste products from the food and agricultural industry and to find new sustainable ways to produce compounds and proteins of the future. Our goal is to develop an AI-based platform fermentation technology that enables us to upcycle a wide range of organic waste products.

Myco4Food is on the path to transforming how we utilize organic waste materials – to produce the protein ingredients of the future.